香港中西區影相好去處 - 如果你在煩惱這個週末的活動,不如拿起相機,跟我們走遍中西區,按下快門,留下珍貴的一刻吧!

Recommended destinations for photo taking in HK Central&Western---- If you are planning activities for this weekend, we suggest you to follow us with your camera to keep the memorable moment together.

*這網誌是由一班讀 SPD4459 INTERNET MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS A02B Group 14的學生建立的。網誌內容和相片全為學習之用,如有版權之問題,歡迎通知我們並會立即作出修改,謝謝。

This blog is in-charged by a group of SPD4459 Internet Marketing Public Relations A02B Group 14 student. All the content and photos are only for academic use. If copyright problems are existed, please feel free to contact us.

2014年10月24日 星期五

SPD4459 - Destination 15 - 【上環 Sheung Wanl】城皇街 Shing Wong Street


城皇街,是一條位於香港島上環的一條山坡路,很多人只留意到它是一條普通的樓梯街, 經它由半山堅道向下走到歌賦街。 SPD4459 的同學眼中,這是我們推薦的影相好地方。

Shing Wong Street is a street on the hill slope in Sheung Wan of Hong Kong Island. Many people just seems that it is just a normal street with lots of stairs, and pass through it everyday from Gough street to Caine Road. However, from SPD4459 students' eyes, it is a excellent place and destinations for taking snapshot there.

那裡長了幾棵大葉榕,每逢春天都會長滿綠葉,為城皇街增添一點綠色的生氣,感覺汀清新悠閒。沿著樓梯往上走,在旁的岩石牆更是為整條街道倍添了懷舊的特色。於早上、中午、傍晚拍到的景色, 更會隨著不同太陽的位疉變動而產生不同的效果,值得大家再三到訪。

In Shing Wong Street, there is a few well-born banyan. In the season of Spring, It brings green color to Shing Wong street and make there feeling fresh and relax. When you go stairs along Shing Wong Street, there is a rock wall beside you and add a vintage color to Sheung Wan. When you go there, in morning ,noon or nightfall, the sunshine will have slightly difference in creating different phototaking effects. It is worth for you to go there again and again.

由於它位處於永利街旁邊的分岔路口,地理位置特別,它往上轉的樓梯特色更令這個地方變得百看不厭。 當然處於上環的住定宅區附近,這裡平日也會有市民經過此路來來往往,千萬把這當成是困擾!不少攝影人士更於這兒拍下了不少既溫馨又寫實的照片,就似是記下上環街坊們每天一幕幕重覆又重覆的生活寫照。

Since Shing Wong street is one of the branch of Wing Lee Street which forms a special location. The stairs forms a bend shape upward and make this place look differently at different angle. It is also beside the resident area in Sheung Wan, people pass through time by time. Some photographers even make good use of this and capture some harmonious  and real photos , and those pictures record the people's dailylife. 

交通方法:  中環地鐵站 C出口,沿著荷里活道直走10分鐘左右
Transportation method :   Exit C , Central MTR station , then walk along hollywood road for 10minutes

Posted by SPD4459 Student, Coey Leung 

